The History of Microboards

The creative and inspirational work of David and Faye Wetherow includes the invention of the term and concept of Microboards. Starting in Winnipeg, Manitoba in the 1980’s, the idea has taken hold in other parts of Canada, the United States and elsewhere in the world. The Wetherow’s continue to share the concepts in various parts of the United States and Canada.
Vela Canada in British Columbia is the best demonstration of success with the implementation and expansion of the Microboard vision and model within Canada. Beginning in 1990, Vela today is supporting more than 1,200 Microboards in British Columbia and has trademarked the Microboard name. They actively share this concept with mentoring and support to many groups including Microboards Ontario and in other places around the world as well. The philosophy behind Microboards as identified by Vela Canada is that:
Vela Canada in British Columbia is the best demonstration of success with the implementation and expansion of the Microboard vision and model within Canada. Beginning in 1990, Vela today is supporting more than 1,200 Microboards in British Columbia and has trademarked the Microboard name. They actively share this concept with mentoring and support to many groups including Microboards Ontario and in other places around the world as well. The philosophy behind Microboards as identified by Vela Canada is that:
- relationships are the most important component of a person’s life;
- all people have the capacity for self-determination;
- all planning and decisions made with or for a person must be based on his/her strengths, wishes, needs and interests;
- all people have gifts to share with those around them and their wider community.
Honouring the Work in Ontario

In November 2001, approximately 60 people came together in Guelph to explore the concept of Microboards as a way for family leaders and others in Ontario to learn from the Wetherow’s. This detailed record of this event is intended to honour the key role of the Wetherow's in first introducing the Microboard concept to Ontario, as they did in British Columbia. The first Aroha entity entitled the Friends of Andrew Bloomfield (FAB) was incorporated following the Guelph event in 2002 by Bloomfield family members and friends. Since that time, the Bloomfield family have widely shared their experiences, materials and knowledge with others. The philosophy behind Aroha entities in Ontario includes embracing:
For over 20 years, the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network, Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario, other grassroots groups, and family networks/leaders have provided information and links about the concept, believing in Microboards as a viable and solid option for people with disabilities.
In 2015, leaders from Ontario attended a citizenship conference in British Columbia where sessions by Vela Canada demonstrated the positive impact that provincial resource support and friendly government policies could make over time. Since 2015, a number of collaborative partners from Windsor, London & Area and York Region, with consultation from Vela Canada and the Bloomfield family in Guelph, have been working together following the realization that nearly two decades of volunteer effort in Ontario to get information out has not been enough. This work affirmed that a provincial resource dedicated to this work would go a long way in supporting people and families in Ontario and in August of 2018, Microboards Ontario was formally incorporated.
- the Maori word Aroha meaning love. Love is at the heart of things when it comes to relationships
- the importance of incorporated entities for personal empowerment and support as a way of securing a good life into the future. The real work is in the relationships
- assurances that the person with a disability will have ways to understand options and make decisions about her/his life.
For over 20 years, the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network, Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario, other grassroots groups, and family networks/leaders have provided information and links about the concept, believing in Microboards as a viable and solid option for people with disabilities.
In 2015, leaders from Ontario attended a citizenship conference in British Columbia where sessions by Vela Canada demonstrated the positive impact that provincial resource support and friendly government policies could make over time. Since 2015, a number of collaborative partners from Windsor, London & Area and York Region, with consultation from Vela Canada and the Bloomfield family in Guelph, have been working together following the realization that nearly two decades of volunteer effort in Ontario to get information out has not been enough. This work affirmed that a provincial resource dedicated to this work would go a long way in supporting people and families in Ontario and in August of 2018, Microboards Ontario was formally incorporated.